Design & art specifications

Your one-stop-shop: from design to finished product.


Should you require artwork for your print solutions, we have talented and experienced in-house designers ready and willing to help you.  Our designers can bring your brand to life, design you a logo, or anything else you require.

We can supply you with a one-stop shop print management service - from design through to the finished product. Contact us to discuss talk your requirements.


Art specifications

We specialise in three major printing technologies: Digital, Screen and Reelform.  We have outlined below how we would prefer you to supply your artwork.


Please supply all large format files in Illustrator with Photoshop links in CMYK at no less than 80dpi at 100% size. For example, if you are setting up Photoshop files at 10% of the final size, then set dpi to 800.

Please supply all fonts, or convert to paths if no editing of text is required.

Please supply all art that is to be computer-cut as vector elements.  We can work with any Adobe Creative Suite application.

Please supply PMS or specific colours that you need colour matched.

For any POS/sign art, please supply with a 20mm bleed.

If you are setting up artwork for vehicle graphics, please ensure it is at 10% on the appropriate vehicle lineart with a 100mm bleed.  Please contact our Artroom/PrePress studio if you need line drawings.



File types:

Adobe PDF (.pdf*): text must be converted to paths, with a 3mm bleed.  No compression, links embedded.  

(Tip: When creating a PDF in Illustrator: Save as > Illustrator default settings.  When creating a PDF in InDesign: Adobe PDF Presets > High Quality Print)

Illustrator (.ai and .eps): Text must be converted to paths, with a 3mm bleed.  Links supplied (minimum of 300dpi @ 100% scale).  Please supply fonts if the text needs to be altered.

InDesign (.indd): Text must be converted to paths, with a 3mm bleed.  Links supplied (minimum of 300dpi @ 100% scale).  Please supply fonts if the text needs to be altered.

The above files types are primarily vector-based.  Artwork supplied in this format is easier to adjust if required.  PDFs can be output from numerous applications - please be aware that if you are going to supply a .pdf file that it is saved at the highest possible quality setting.

*Microsoft Word and the likes can create .pdfs but this tends to reduce the quality of any images and placed objects.  Also, using a Microsoft Word file on a Mac can create text / font issues.

If you are supplying a bitmap based image (.jpeg, .tif, .psd) please ensure it is a minimum of 300dpi @100% scale.



Spot colours: If files supplied contain PMS (Pantone) information, we can accurately match.

Colour matching: A sample of the colour needs to be supplied physically.  If we are required to colour match using a CMYK image, then additional fees may be applied.

Variable data: We can set up the variable information - all we need are the number sequences, images and barcode.  Note: typefaces are to be supplied in .ttf format, otherwise it will need to be a closest match.

Non-vector PDFs: Occasionally PDFs are supplied that contain images rather than vector information.  These images must be confirmed by our Artroom/PrePress studio as being suitable for use before the job goes into production.  Often they are of low-quality and extra time is needed to ensure the best possible print.